ADO Builder
App Builder
App Store
Andromeda App - Beta.1.1
CW20 Staking App
Setup CW20-based token creation, distribution, and staking functionalities with reward mechanisms.
Publish as an App
Publishing configurations to publish the ADO as an App
The desired name of the app.
The CW20 Token ADO is an ADO to create a token, The contract supports modules to extend its' functionality.
Name of the token. Letters only, must be between 3 and 12 characters.
Symbol of the token. Letters only, must be between 3 and 12 characters.
The number of decimals for the token. (6 is common)
Starting Balance
A list of addresses and the amount of coin to initialize for each.
A URL pointing to the project behind this token. Must begin with HTTPS.
A longer description of the token and its' utility. Designed for tooltips or short alerts.
The address (if any) who can update this data structure.
A link to the logo, or a comment that there is an on-chain logo stored.
The address to assign as a minter.
Set a hard cap on the total supply of tokens that can be achieved by minting. Declarations are in micounits, remember to include positions for the number of decimals declared.
CW20 Staking
This ADO allows users to stake a specified token and to receive rewards in any number of other tokens in proportion to their share
The cw20 token that can be staked
Additional Rewards
Any rewards in addition to the staking token. This list cannot include the staking token since it is used as a reward by default.
Disable it if you do not want to validate form before publishing